Rules and Procedures 2019

What do we expect you to do?/What do you have to do to pass the course?

  • Presence and active oral participation: a maximum of two missing sessions during the semester. In exceptions and only in close consultation with the lecturers, a third time of missing can be accepted under the condition that compensational tasks are accomplished. However, four time missing will always (!) lead to failing the course.
  • Participation in role-playing: You have to prepare the arguments for your role to play within one week. This will happen in groups (role-groups) since every role will be taken by minimum 2 students. In every role-play, each role-group has a major speaker in the discussion (see Role-playing). Each student has to be a major speaker for at least one time.
  • Documentation on the blog: Each student has to prepare at least one post in the blog. The specific questions or tasks will be announced one week in advance. The main tasks will be to document the arguments of your role concerning the respective question and the reflection upon the role-play.
  • Commenting: Each of you has to comment on the blog posts of a fellow student at least once.
  • Preparation of panel discussion: We will announce what you have to do for the panel discussion within the first 4 weeks.

Essay: at the end of the course you have to prepare an essay about:

“How does X deal with uncertainty regarding the” 2-degrees limit “? How could the handling be improved? ” or a different topic. The essay is due to tbs and will be graded. The total grade is your grade of the essay +/-  up to 1.0 depending on your oral participation in class and your blog entries. Grading criteria and guidelines for the report will be provided in advance.

We will explain and describe tasks and our expectations for every homework in advance. However, here is what you need to do again in a nutshell:

  • not miss more than 2 classes !!!!!
  • be the major speaker of a role-group in at least one role-play
  • prepare at least one individual blog entry
  • comment at least once the blog post of someone else
  • be involved in the preparation of the panel discussion
  • write an essay until X (will be graded)