Course Structure 2020

How will we teach ‘Uncertain 2 Degrees’?

Together with us, 8 lecturers from different disciplines, we will discuss the question How do uncertainties propagate from measurement to policy-decisions about climate change?“. Our main goal is to improve our joint understanding of the different perspectives on uncertainty and the resulting diversity of responses to it.

This year the course and its 10 sessions are divided into two different parts. Part I are video lectures. We will upload the video lectures to Lecture2go. The password and links to the videos can be found every week on this blog under Lecture Slides. You can download and watch the videos whenever you want. However, you must see it prior to Part II.

Part II are interactive slots. They take place every Thursday between 10:15 and 11 am via Zoom. We will send you a password-protected invitation to each slot via this blog. You must all participate in these interactive slots. The purpose of the slots is to discuss the content of the lecture videos. The lecturer responsible for the associated lecture video will moderate the discussion.


The course will be structured as follows:

Lecture 1 [Introduction]: Input from the lecturers on the course concept and introduction to uncertainty.

Lecture 2- 8 [Perspectives and Participation]: Lecturers will provide input on different perspectives of uncertainty (for more details go to Sessions Plan 2020). In the interactive slots 5, 7 and 8 we will have digital role-plays. For more information on this, go to Role-playing in 2020.

Since this lecture is still at an experimental stage and digitally taught for the first time, we allows us to adjust the content and the tasks answering your and our needs.

Lecture 9-10 [Conclusions and Feedback]: Although the last lectures are still up for major changes, we are planning to have some kind of digital meeting to work on your essays and a feedback and summary lecture. We will provide you with further information on that during the semester.


The course structure is still up for changes. If you have questions or ideas, which are not answered nor covered in the Session Plan, Role-plays or Rules and Procedures, please contact the course coordination.