Planet in Transition: A road map to the global 2°C target
Discussing the Paris Agreement’s 2°C target actions through different spheres
Both conceptualisation and implementation of effective measures to prevent a dangerous increase in global mean temperature have proven to be difficult. Four years after the 2015 Paris Agreement, which for the first time brought the world together to tackle the common cause of undertaking global, ambitious efforts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects, our panel of experts from the spheres of politics, science and communication will discuss where we stand on achieving this goal. The panelists will draw from their personal experience to comment on the challenges regarding mitigation and will address how their professions may provide solutions to meet the global target of 2°C.
The Panelists:
Jens Kerstan, Senator für Umwelt und Energie
Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino, Environmental economist at Universität Hamburg
Stefan Schmitt, Deputy head of science at Die Zeit
Dr. Jessica Strefler, Researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Thursday , 04.07.2019
15:15 – 16:45, ZMAW-Building
Bundestraße 53, Room 22/23
Moderated by Shorouk Elkobros and Jan Steinhauser
For more information on the work of the Uncertain 2 Degrees course at the School of Integrated Climate System Sciences at UHH, visit
See the invitation flyer: Planet in Transition