Alternatives I

As we have discussed uncertainties in extent from different roles and circumstances, this particular session became more of an argumentation to whether a temperature target has the necessary approach to contain dangerous climate change outcomes.

In defense of the 2 Degree Target, the group argued that it is accurate for the actors that have to deal with the decision-making process. Since this target has not been randomly chosen by the political party but was a result of scientific advice. However, translating the scientific jargon behind it (greenhouse gases, concentrations, emissions, etc…)  into temperature is the best alternative for promoting understanding in broader audiences.

From the alternatives side, the two of the three proposals presented portrait mainly a change in the form and implementation than what is already established in the current goal. For instance, why not reconsidering the goal as a emissions target or the value 350 ppm has something to recall in it?

Using a 350 ppm of CO2 (parts per million) Target by 2100 was solicited by organizations and promoted since the AR4 as a safer alternative to ensure that devastating consequences over the natural system would be limited, considering the remaining lack of knowledge in the climate sensitivity. This also provides an 82% confidence to maintain global average temperature under 2 ºC. Still, the implications of this target is that it is ambitious and will certainly rely upon the correct implementation of Net Emissions Technologies (NET’s).

Another proposal was to keep the aims of the 2 Degree Target but communicated in terms of CO2 Equivalent Emissions Budget, exactly the term used in the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). Additionally, including a warranty of not exceedance emissions of each country by defined periods, and if unaccomplished, a defined payment towards the most affected nations and NET’s. Of course, with this approach, the main limitations exposed were the willingness of cooperation between nations, justice and penalties administration.

Regardless of the role we could have assumed to pose our arguments, we came to the realization that the way of how the target is framed depends on the public to who is directed; that all the instruments have weak angles particularly in diplomatic settings as a global goal.

At the end what should we aim for (society as a whole), is achieving to keep the temperature below 2 ºC besides the flaws in the mechanisms, accompanied with improving national and regional efforts to make a cascade effect towards a safer future for the humanity.


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