
Homework 5                                                                                                         Due: 15th May

  1. First part:

Next lecture, you are going to engage in the 2nd role-play. The question of that role-play is:”Considering the evolutionary potential in ecosystems and the related uncertainty, how should we decide on 2deg-related ecosystem management measures?“. The contributing roles are: natural scientist, social scientist, economist, and politician. Please prepare for the role-play as described below:

Please prepare for the role-play as described below :

  1. Define your role more concretely (e.g. science journalists vs. tabloid journalists) and prepare a sign stating your definition. Bring this to the role-play.
  2. Prepare the arguments for your role in the role-play regarding the question (make sure to understand your role’s position to the question, institutional settings and so on…) in your role-group.
  3. Decide upon the tasks: main speaker (stating main points,…). Keep in mind that all of you should contribute to the discussion and also take notes.
  4. Go through the ‘Guidelines for discussions’.

If you run into any problems, please contact Maike Scheffold (maike.scheffold@uni-hamburg.de) by 12th May.


  1. Second part:

For the lecture on “Uncertainty and Society” next week please prepare the following text:

Shackley, S.; Wynne, B. (1996): Representing Uncertainty in Global Climate Change Science and Policy: Boundary-Ordering Devices and Authority. In: Science, Technology & Human Values 21 (3), S. 275–302. DOI: 10.1177/016224399602100302. (uploaded on STINE)

Please take notes from your reading and bring them to class next week. A guiding question is in how far the “boundary-ordering devices” that the authors studied in the 1990s to this day structure the communication between science and policy in the climate case.

Click on Homework 5 for download.

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