Road map
Dear all, thank you again for a lively and great planning session on our upcoming panel discussion. I summarize what you plan to do and draft a short time frame of upcoming tasks.
You decided that the topic/main question should be related to action and uncertainty, e.g. should we act although we are not certain… Question can be formulated provocative.
You aim to invite: one politician, one natural or social scientists, one activist, one economist and one journalist. The number of panellists should not be below 3 and better not above 4. You have to find a good strategy how to invite the right amount of people to be able to compensate for cancellations but not to have too many people either. You should also think about gender questions and not include several panellists of the same position (e.g. 2 activists).
The tasks have different timings. Here, you find a draft of how you can proceed:
Looking forward to the event and your organisation!