Due: 12th April 2018
Get to know the blog, its features and go through all information given on the course. Therefore,
- Fill in your university email address, your name and your username in the list provided at the end of the lecture. Set your username as follows:
- Lisa Baume -> lisbau (the first 3 letters of your first and 3 of your second name)
- Manfred Arm -> manarm
We will send you an invitation to that email address within the next day.
- Accept the invitation to the blog (click on the Invitation Accepted link).
- Create a new WordPress-account with the username you set before in the list. If this username is not working, please try a different version, e.g. lisbau2018.
If you run into any problems or changed the username, please contact Maike Scheffold (maike.scheffold@uni-hamburg.de) by 9th April.