Interesting start with lots of uncertainties

So, finally, after discussions, thoughts, lecturer homeworks, grant applications, but fortunately no sleepless nights the course Uncertain2Degrees starts. I am a bit nervous but more so excited that a new experiment starts.


Discussions on uncertainty reveal in just a few seconds new inspirational thoughts. So, here is, what I gained from this first session:

  1. There are so many aspects of uncertainty that I did not consider yet. In particular the time aspect of uncertain (future) expectations, which makes – as far as I can see now – the biggest difference between the natural sciences and daily life perspectives.
  2. It seems that most of us agree that uncertainty has to do with something unknown and a lack of information. I understand now, that if there is a lack of information on something, there seems to be a certain amount of information as well! So, where there is uncertainty, there is also certainty!
  3. I found it interesting that uncertainty in daily life was associated with mostly negative emotions, and nobody objected. My association with uncertainty in daily life is at least as strongly related to surprise, which is a very positive emotion. I think of my children the evening before Christmas 😉
  4. An interesting thought came up quite as a side remark: In order to deal with the ever present uncertainty in our lifes, we tend to categorize in order to deal with decision making under uncertainty. I have to think about this one…

Concluding, I am already grateful to the intelligent, thoughtful, and enthusiastic contributions by all participants.

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