
Due: 19th April

  1. Discuss the course question: “Which role do uncertainties play in the (scientific-political-media…) debate about the ,2-degree-limit’?” in groups of four to five. Formulate a first joint statement/blog post on the question. The statement can e.g. present ideas and thoughts or give explanations, you think are necessary to understand the topic. Proceed as described below:

a) Write a minimum of 300 words

b) Write down all authors at the end of your post

c) Decide on the main author (this entry does not count into your amount of needed blog posts)

d) Categorize the blog with the category: ‘first-ideas-on-the-course-question’ and use at least the tag ‘ideas’

e) Set the featured picture: course question (saved in Media)

2. Read the following literature: http://berkeleyearth.org/static/papers/Results-Paper-Berkeley-Earth.pdf

Additionally, we recommend you to read: https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/documents/jcgm/JCGM_104_2009_E.pdf

If you run into any problems, please contact Maike Scheffold (maike.scheffold@uni-hamburg.de) by 17th April.


This media gallery helps you to create your first blog post. Click on the pictures to zoom in.


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