Panel discussion preparation (Group 5)

1. Who will be the moderators?

The class decided to have 2 moderators: Clara Sambiase and Sara Rotondo.


2. What is the guiding question?

Main guiding question:

Is communicating uncertainty beneficial or more of a hindrance in terms of driving progress regarding the climate problem?

Secondary guiding questions:

To Isabelle Uhl-Hädecke – environmental psychologists of the university of Salzburg:

  • How important is the language used to communicate about climate change in opening the public to information and in enhancing their willingness to act against it?
  • Does communicating uncertainty around climate change enhance eco-anxiety and how does it impact the public engagement?

To Hans von Storch – climate scientist and meteorologists (UHH and Hereon):

  • When using tools such as downscaling and spatial interpolation in climate science, how important is uncertainty in exploiting results?
  • Under which conditions can such results be used for forecasting in climate science?

To Andreas Lange – economist (chair of CLICCS-B5 – Coping with Climate-Related Uncertainties and Variabilities):

  • Within the field of climate policy, how can uncertainty impact decision making and negotiations?
  • How can the risks and threats related to climate change affect the sharing of goods within society?


3. Who and how do you want to invite as audience?

We thought that the panel discussion could be open to every member of the SICSS as well as the members of CLICCS, which could both be contacted by their respective mailing lists.


4. Time frame for the discussion?

We think that the discussion around the guiding questions exposed in (2) could last 45 minutes, allowing 15 minutes of speaking for each panellist.

This could be followed by a open questions from the audience during up to 30 minutes, resulting total time of up to 75 minutes for the panel, with the main part lasting less than an hour.

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